Varicose veins are one of the common conditions that most people suffer. Previously it was treated by surgical procedure, but as the technology is growing there are lots of latest and minimally invasive treatment options available. These modern treatment methods include radiofrequency ablation treatment, endovenous laser therapy, and phlebectomy treatment.
RF ablation treatment is the latest technology to treat varicose veins. It is a very effective and minimally invasive treatment. It is the safest method with a high level of patient satisfaction. It is a proven method for treating chronic venous insufficiency. It is Medi-care approved technology.
The patient’s leg is cleaned with an antiseptic solution to remove germs and make it sterilized. Then with the help of ultrasound guidance, local anesthesia is injected around the targeted venous segment. A thin catheter is then inserted using a small needle inside the affected vein. Then the high-frequency alternating radiofrequency current is directed in the catheter tube which leads to venous spasm and collagen shrinkage. This radiofrequency result in a circular homogenous denaturation of the venous collagen matrix. It also causes destruction of endothelial cells at a temperature of 110° C to 120° C. The entire treatment procedure takes about 15 to 45 minutes. And you can resume your daily activities soon after the successful completion of the procedure. RF ablation can be performed successfully only by the board-certified physician.
As compared to the conventional open surgery, the RF ablation is more effective and very less invasive treatment procedure. It is done in the outpatient setting without general anesthesia and admission to the hospital. RF ablation has a success rate of 95% to 98% with a very less amount of complications, however; traditional surgery procedure has a success rate of only 85% with lots of side effects. The major benefit of RFA is that it causes very little discomfort after and during the procedure as compared to other vein treatment methods including endovenous laser ablation. Because of all these benefits, the RFA is considered to be more effective and the best treatment method for treating venous insufficiency.
Most people get worried thinking about how much does RF ablation costs. Well, don’t worry RF ablation is a very affordable treatment nowadays. If you have some kind of health insurance then you can get this treatment at a very low cost or almost free of cost. Most of the health insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic treatment procedures which lead to high cost.
Some people avoid varicose veins treatments because of pain. But is RF ablation painful? The RF ablation causes a very less amount of discomfort and pain. The doctor prescribes painkillers if you feel any kind of pain after the procedure.
Vein Treatment Clinic has the vein specialists for treating all kinds of vein diseases using the most advanced and latest technology. Our specialists are well qualified and experienced. They are trained from the world’s topmost hospitals and institutes. To know more information about our specialists and clinic, reach us directly through our official website
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There are many varicose veins natural treatment. Below you can read various treatments for leg cramps
It is the ideal treatment to eliminate small varicose veins or superficial spider veins of small extension. It consists in the infiltration in the painful varicose veins, which will travel through the vein causing its degeneration and finally definitive disappearance.
To eliminate annoying varicose veins and with the risk of degenerating into bigger problems, the best treatment is Sclerotherapy with Microfoam. It is valid for both small varicose veins and large (truncal) varicose veins.
is rf ablation painful – no it is not. At first, with the infiltration of the product we achieved a visual and aesthetic improvement since apparently the varicose vein disappears. This effect is due to the fact that the introduced substance pushes the accumulation of stagnant and deoxygenated blood, which looks red, green or purple, and is replaced by another colorless substance, giving the sensation that the vein has disappeared.
Previously, the restless leg treatment with sclerotherapy introduced the product in a liquid state, and as it passed through the veins it was able to be reabsorbed by the venous walls. With the Microfoam what is achieved is that the product adheres to the walls of the glass, thanks to its foam state, and while this microfoam melts it is making an effect on the inner surface of the vein.
Surgical technique
Radiofrequency ablation treatment is a totally effective technique if practiced properly. It consists of disconnecting the vein of its origin and its end, ending by its extraction completely.
The drawback of this technique is that it is more traumatic for the patient compared to the other techniques; it generates a lot of bruising, the postoperative period is more complex, you have to wear a compressive bandage for a while, it costs more to recover. Also for this technique an anesthesia with epidural is needed.
As in any aesthetic medicine treatment, the doctor's assessment of each patient is key to being able to diagnose the most appropriate treatment to treat varicose veins and to guarantee the best results.
First of all, a physical examination is performed, which is what they do by palpating and observing the area or areas to be treated. This clinical examination is performed with the patient standing to see the legs in overload.
In the second place, the doctor performs a deeper study, Doppler ultrasound of varicose veins and takes superficial thrombophlebitis pictures. The Doppler venous echo is an ultrasound technique that allows visualizing the functioning and structure of the blood vessels with measurement of blood flow and vascular resistance to the passage of said flow. The doctor also relies on the Eco Doppler to rule out phlebitis or possible problems related to circulation.
Thanks to this technique, the doctor can map the venous system, both superficial and deep, to see which veins are affected and in what way.
With superficial veins it is possible to perform the treatment with greater agility,
After the varicose veins pregnancy treatment, the patient should wear special compression stockings, and depending on the type of vein, they should take them more or less time. The function of the media is to exert a decreasing compression, from bottom to top, which roughly the work is done by the veins.
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The chronic Varicose and Spider Veins disease is a progressive disease. In addition to its unsightly appearance, it can progress to complications such as varicose ulcers or skin changes that greatly affect quality of life.
One of the most effective Spider Vein Treatment is sclerotherapy. It is a minimally invasive technique that involves injecting directly into the beaker a substance in the form of micro foam derived from an alcohol. Its purpose is to irritate the epithelium and cause a spasm that causes the walls to stick together, making them disappear completely.
Varicose veins and spider veins other treatments
There are several Spider Vein Treatment Options. To carry it out, expert offer a comprehensive and personalized approach to each patient using the most current techniques that minimize aggressiveness and take maximum care of the aesthetic aspect. Before going to treatment you must know about What Causes Phlebitis.
Among the Treatment for Spider Vein at clinics are liquid sclerotherapy, sclerotherapy with micro foam, percutaneous laser and cryosclerosis. Expert also has radiofrequency ablative techniques, intravenous laser and water vapour, as well as pelvic endovascular treatments such as embolization and angioplasty and stenting. If one wants to know about Spider Veins Vs Varicose, then one can ask to their doctor.
These types of Spider Vein Treatment consist of:
They are performed completely on an outpatient basis, without anaesthesia and without the need to cut or injure the skin. In addition, they can be repeated as many times as necessary.
Sclerotherapy against varicose veins
Our main advice is that, in the diagnostic consultation, ask your doctor everything you doubt about the application and uses of sclerotherapy. It is very important to use products of quality and reliability, so we always use products of the highest quality approved by the health authorities.
What are some common uses of this procedure?
Spider Vein Treatment Options can be used for cosmetic purposes; it is most commonly used to help improve symptoms related to varicose veins in the legs. Symptoms may include: